Guake is a linux terminal that works in the Gnome and similar desktop envirionments. The concept comes from first person shooter games where a hotkey would open a console to type commands or chat with other players.
I searched for a similar program to replace the windows command prompt (cmd.exe).
I found a program called "cmder" and had it just about where I wanted by tweaking around with autohotkey. As I was then tweaking around the cmder settings, I noticed a checkbox under Main->Appearance that said "Quake style slide down".
OH! Guess I don't need that autohotkey anymore.
I selected that and then, as suggested by a hover-tip, went to the top level of "Keys & Macros" and the top option is "minimize/restore (Quake-style hotkey also)".
I selected that, set my preferred Hotkey and I was ready to rock!
BONUS! includes some BASH functionality, mostly geared toward interacting with GIT.
I didn't like the appearance settings in cmder as much as I do Guake, but I got it close enough to what I wanted after messing with it for a while.
If you're looking for a Quake console or "tilde" style terminal for windows, I think cmder is the way to go.
A common use-case for me is simply pinging a URL to verify what IP it's on. This is important when moving a website from server to server or otherwise adjusting it's DNS. I found it very convenient to simply hit my hotkey and have a console directly available instead of having to find and run cmd.exe. I'm certainly glad I installed this.
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