If you are the owner of a very small business and you're currently working out of your home, you may have considered how you might remove yourself from the distractions of home to make yourself more productive.
If you live in one area but frequently have to work in another, you may be accustomed to going to a library or coffee shop to do a little work. These have opposite problems. In the library, you can't make a phone call because you might disturb the patrons. In the coffee shop, you can't make a phone call because the patrons might be too loud and disturb your call.
The solution to either of these issues is a co-working space.
The space I have chosen is elegantly named "CoWork Tampa". Not much on naming creativity, but it gets the point across. The plan I'd suggest for most single person companies is just $77/month and allows you access to the facility during business hours. (9-6) but they also offer round the clock access for another $20/month and a dedicated desk where you can leave your stuff for $147/month.
The co-working space is currently 9 round tables with overhead extension cords so you can sit down and plug in. They have a decent WiFi system and it doesn't get too loud.
If there's an exception to "doesn't get too loud", then wearing some earbuds and jamming to your favorite music is a decent work-around.
There's free parking, free coffee and a pool table (free, not coin op)
If this sounds like an advertisement, maybe it is a little. Let them know you came through me and I'll get a little kickback.
OH, They also have small offices from $650/month to $1200/month +$77 per extra person.
Check them out if you fee like it.
The prices I mentioned are accurate as of 2016/01/14 but are subject to change at any time.
Here's my current situation.The CoWorking area is occupied this week, so the owner lets coworking members take over an office or dedicated desk. I pulled up their web-page on my browser for the pic, you can see the $400 price. That's the office I'm in.
Pretty cool. When the time comes that I actually NEED an office, I think $400/month is a good deal considering I don't pay for electricity, internet or COFFEE
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