At tax time, when you are considering an accountant to file your taxes for you, there are some questions you might ask to help determine if they are the right accountant for you and your business.
Get a longer list here: Accountability Team
Are you a CPA, an Enrolled Agent, or an unlicensed accountant?
What are your prices and what might cost extra?
Do you offer hourly rates for other services?
What are my deadlines if I don't want to file an extension?
What are my secondary deadlines with an extension?
How do you handle an IRS audit?
How quickly will you respond to my questions?
Can you break down an explanation of a tax return into simple language?
Your accountant or CPA will also ask you questions. Depending on your answers, they may ask more questions. Based on these answers, you will be provided with a list of documents and other details you may need to provide. As they work on your return, additional details may be needed. Be sure they know how to reach you and be sure you make yourself available to them.
Get to know your CPA before tax time to ensure you are comfortable with them and can easily communicate when needed.
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