
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Centenary Post

No, I haven't been around for a hundred years!

This is my 100th post on this blog, according to my Blogger dashboard.

It has taken me almost 8 years to reach this milestone. I have, of course, posted several times in other blogs, but this is the first one I started. I would expect now to reach 200 much faster since I am blogging on a much more consistent basis.

One thing I've noticed is that the more I blog the more hits I get, not just on the blog as a whole, but on individual posts. It's like all my activity brings in more visitors to more pages. I did not set out to get rich blogging, but it would be great to see enough traffic on at least one of my blogs to enhance my income through AdSense or some other ad network.

I blog about a lot fo different things. I have a few clients that I promote by talking about how great they and their products are. I am a bit of a geek, so I blog about geeky stuff. When a product or service makes a strong impression on me, I'm likely to mention it, whether it's a positive or negative impression. I have kept my political stuff off this particular blog, but I blog my personal stuff on my other blogs. (See "Tecbrat's Blogs" on the right.)

My next post will be about those giant balloons that you see all over the place advertising things. I've posted about them before, but I need to tell the world that my client covers more than one market.

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