Lethal Bronzing or LBD, was first reported in Hillsborough County in 2006. It has since spread and has been confirmed in over 30 counties throughout Florida.
LBD has been determined to be spread by an insect, no bigger than a grain of rice. This “bug” infects palms by transferring a parasitic bacteria while it feeds. Once this bacteria is introduced into the tree, it multiplies and essentially blocks the vascular network of the tree. This causes the circulation of sugars and other nutrients that feed the palm to be diminished until the lack of food ultimately causes the tree to die.
If you notice changes in any palms in your area, act now. With the rapid spread of this disease it is essential to have your trees inspected. An infected tree can appear healthy for months before showing signs of distress, giving ample time for the insects to hop from tree to tree further spreading the disease.
Contact Mid Florida Tree Service today if you suspect your palms may be infected. We have a large, knowledgeable staff including certified arborists that are ready and happy to assist you today.
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