
Thursday, October 24, 2019

Shade Trees That Grow Well in Mid Florida

Planting shade trees not only makes your property more visually appealing and enjoyable but can help reduce energy costs by helping to naturally cool your home or building. However, not all shade trees thrive in the hot and humid climate of Mid Florida. For some it’s the rainy season that brings too much moisture and for others, it’s the lack of a hard, deep winter freeze that challenges them.

There are, fortunately, some shade trees that do thrive in mid Florida.  Each offers its own unique look to your landscape.

There is the Bald Cypress. They have branches of soft, short green needles that hang softly from the trunk.  They are a coniferous tree that unlike other conifers, sheds its leaves (needles) in autumn. It can grow to about 50 feet tall but it has a smaller canopy, normally about 25 feet in diameter, which makes them a good choice for medium sized yards.  As they grow, they tend to develop an ovular or pyramid type shape.

The Florida maple stands up well to the hot Florida climate. This variety of maple is known for its lush reddish bronze color in autumn. Its new growth in spring also has a red tint.  Florida maples are a good shade tree for medium sized yards as they quickly grow to an average of 40 feet tall.

If you like trees that stay green year round, the Southern live oak meets that criteria.  This oak has small oval shaped leaves with a dark, furrowed bark.  Live oaks can grow upwards of 65 feet tall and offer a broad, sprawling canopy.  Live oaks do drop their leaves, but unlike most trees, they do so in the spring. Since new leaves on the Southern Live Oak start developing as soon as the old ones fall, your tree will never look bare.

Another tree that fares well in mid Florida is the Tabebuia, also known as trumpet trees. These trees produce beautiful, trumpet shaped flowers in the summertime. There are several varieties to choose from, each with its own unique colored blooms. Tabebuia are good for all yard sizes as well with varieties that grow as small as 25 feet while others can grow as tall as 160 feet.

These are just four of several species of shade trees that handle the special climate Florida is known for. Just imagine the beauty and the cooling shade you will enjoy when you take the time to plant one or more on your property.  To keep your trees thriving and looking their best, whether you need someone to prune, trim or perform any other tree maintenance, contact a trusted, licensed and locally owned company like  Mid-Florida Tree Service.  Their friendly and knowledgeable staff are ready to assist you in determining your tree’s needs.

Is pigging water lines really necessary?

Cities and municipalities typically do not require regular pigging of lines in water systems. Some may only require pigging after initial construction of a new line to remove any debris left in the line because flushing alone will not always clean the dirt and debris out of the line. 

There are several reasons municipalities consider pigging of their potable water line systems: 
  1. Distribution lines tend to have a biofilm that coats the inside of the pipe. The bacteria in the biofilm are dormant until certain conditions activate them, thus causing problems. Regular flushing alone does not eliminate this biofilm. Only regularly scheduled pigging, along with flushing will reduce or eliminate biofilms. 
  2. Inadequate water flow is also a common reason. More flow (volume) of water may be needed to support development or a growing population using the water system or to provide adequate water for fire fighting. In areas of water systems where increased development has caused water demand to surpass the flow output of an existing line, sometimes the existing waterline system may need to be rebuilt with a larger line capable of supporting the increased demand. However, pigging may be the solution if the existing flow is restricted due to excessive deposits.
  3. Optimal fire fighting capabilities are a significant concern. Many cities require a minimum sized diameter waterline when connecting a fire hydrant to provide adequate flow for that area . After years of service, however, the inside of the pipe can become restricted with deposits making the fire hydrant less effective if not useless for its intended job. If fire flow is needed, in the past the solution has been to replace the whole waterline, which can be very costly and time consuming. Pigging may restore adequate flow for fighting fires at a fraction of the time and cost.

  4. In addition, pigging waterlines can lessen complaints from water customers regarding the very same deposits that may have restricted fire flow. These deposits are unwanted foreign matter such as iron oxide (red water), alum, calcium carbonates, barium sulfide and sediment. Pigging can, in many cases, provide a solution. As an added benefit and cost factor to communities, cleaning these deposits may also reduce pumping pressures in areas that have booster pump stations. Increased pumping pressures can result in line leaks and pipe failures causing significant cost factors and extended downtime to customers.
Above are just a few reasons a waterline may benefit from or need pigging service. If you are experiencing difficulties or suspect your pipes need service, you are advised not to undertake line pigging on your own. Shop around and find a reputable company, such as Professional Piping Services, Inc.. with over 30 years of experience in line pigging with water lines. Contact them today to discuss your specific needs or concerns.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

What Does Certified Underground Utilities Contractor Mean?

An Underground Utility Contractor in the state of Florida, is a contractor whose services are applied to the construction, installation, and repair of lines, on public or private property, whether accomplished through open excavations or through other means.  These other means include directional drilling, auger boring, trenchless technologies, wet and dry taps, grouting, and slip lining, of main sanitary sewer collection systems, main water distribution systems, storm sewer collection systems, and the continuation of utility lines from the main systems to a point of termination. Suffice to say, it encompasses a wide range of service needs.

As expected, these contractors have a strict list of requirements they must meet to become licensed.

Below are a few that are needed:

  • Person must be at least 18 years of age
  • They must take and pass the state certification examination for Underground Utility and Business and Finance before they can even begin the application process of obtaining a license.
  • The applicant must then meet one or more of experience and/or education requirements such as
    • Four year construction related degree from an accredited college or an equivalent to three years experience and one year proven experience directly applicable to the category they are applying for
    • One year experience as a foreman and not less than three years of credits from an accredited college or university
    • One year experience as a worker, one year experience as a foreman, and not less than two years of credits from an accredited college or university
    • Two years experience as a worker, one year as a foreman and one year of credits from an accredited college or university
    • Four years experience as a worker or foreman of which a minimum of one year must have been as a foreman

When shopping for a pipeline pigging company look for one that offers the knowledge and experience of being certified. Trust Professional Piping Services led by general manager, Roger Cimbora, who has over 62 years experience in the piping industry, to deliver timely and expert work.

Certified Underground Utility Contractor
License Number CU-C055717

Industrial Pipeline Cleaning

Professional Piping Services supplies pipeline cleaning solutions for many different industrial pipeline systems including potable water lines, sewage and disposal lines, fire protection lines, municipal water lines, process lines and many more. 

Buildup inside pipelines can diminish the transmission of product and eventually lead to the pipeline becoming plugged.  When this happens, it can cause dangerous flaws and cracks can occur along the pipe . Pipeline cleaning provides a level of assurance for industries that rely on free flowing pipelines.

Using a spherical or cylindrical pipe pig for cleaning, is a convenient, effective and economical way of cleaning the pipe without interrupting the flow. The PIG is introduced into the pipeline via a trap, which is equipped with a launcher and receiver. The product flow forces the pig through the pipeline or it can be towed by a cable or another device. 

Pipe pigs clean pipelines by scraping, or removing buildup inside the pipe walls and pushing out debris in the pipes. In addition to clearing the line, the pipe pig can also inspect the interior of the line.

Professional Piping Services can provide you with cleaning guidelines specific to your type of pipeline.

Speak to the knowledgeable staff of Professional Piping Services today about the specific requirements for your pipelines. They will be happy to assist you with information and recommendations on the right pipeline cleaning equipment and service for your needs.

How PIG Launchers and Receivers Work

PIG launchers and PIG receivers, in simple terms, are sections of a pipeline that allow a PIG to enter and exit the pipeline. Generally they are funnel, Y-shaped sections of pipe which can be pressurized or de-pressurized and then safely opened to insert or remove PIGs.

Although PIG launchers and receivers are normally customized for a particular system, there are steps that are common to all systems. When using a launcher, For example, a pipeline operator closes the isolation valve and kicker when using a launcher. In a gas system, the vent is opened to let the launcher reach atmospheric pressure. When using a liquid system, the drain valve and vent valve are opened, allowing air into the system that displaces the liquid.  The PIG is loaded once the launcher is to 0 psi, the trap door is opened, and the vent and drain valves are also opened. After cleaning and lubricated the closure seals, the trap door is closed and secured. The operator then closes the vent valve and equalizes the pressure in the isolation valve.  Once it is reopened, the PIG is launched and the valves are closed again.

The PIG does its work and reaches the receiver, which will need to be pressurized. The bypass and isolation valves are fully opened, while the mainline valve is closed partway. When the PIG arrives at the receiver, the isolation and bypass valves are closed, but the drain and vent valves get opened. The trap then needs to be depressurized to 0 psi in order to let the PIG be removed.  When the closure and seals are cleaned and lubricated, the trap door gets shut and secured, and the receiver is returned to its original condition.

Professional Piping Services utilizes a full array of PIGs, PIG launchers, and PIG receivers, designed to help keep pipelines operating at peak performance levels.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Why would you hire an arborist?

There is a lot of news lately in the Tampa area about certified arborists and what they are but why would you hire one? 

It is commonly accepted that arborists specialize in the care of individual trees. They are trained and equipped to provide proper care based on their knowledge about the needs of trees.

There are many services an arborists can provide, including pruning advice, inspection and diagnosis regarding tree health, emergency storm damage and possible tree removal recommendations, planting and proper care advice, not to mention help with local HOAs and government agencies.

Proper care of your trees and landscaping is a long term investment.  You can add both significant value to your property from attractive, well cared for trees and you can avoid possible liability issues of poorly maintained trees.

Hiring a certified arborist takes the guesswork out of designing and maintaining your property’s trees and landscaping.  The people at Mid Florida Tree Service offer not only the services of ISA certified arborists but a full staff of trained and friendly technicians who can do the work of caring for your trees..

Palm Lethal Bronzing

Are your palms showing signs of distress such as, browning of lower foliage that moves upward, dropping of fruit, or leaf collapse?  These symptoms could mean you have Lethal Bronzing, a disease closely related to Palm Lethal Yellowing.

Lethal Bronzing or LBD, was first reported in Hillsborough County in 2006.  It has since spread and has been confirmed in over 30 counties throughout Florida. 

LBD has been determined to be spread by an insect, no bigger than a grain of rice. This “bug”  infects palms by transferring a parasitic bacteria while it feeds. Once this bacteria is introduced into the tree, it multiplies and essentially blocks the vascular network of the tree. This causes the circulation of sugars and other nutrients that feed the palm to be diminished until the lack of food ultimately causes the tree to die.

If you notice changes in any palms in your area, act now.  With the rapid spread of this disease it is essential to have your trees inspected. An infected tree can appear healthy for months before showing signs of distress, giving ample time for the insects to hop from tree to tree further spreading the disease.

Contact Mid Florida Tree Service today if you suspect your palms may be infected.  We have a large, knowledgeable staff including certified arborists that are ready and happy to assist you today.