
Thursday, April 18, 2019

What is an arborist, anyway?

I write a little about my client, Mid Florida Tree Service,  and have mentioned  that they have Certified Arborists on staff, but I don't think I ever explained just what that means.

An arborist is a professional who practices arboriculture, the cultivation, management, and study of individual trees and other perennial woody plants. Think of them as a "Tree Doctor". As a matter of fact, another name for this job is "Tree Surgeon".

Their focus is on individual trees, not forests.

Arborists obtain their qualifications in various ways & qualification and specialties can vary. Just like doctors, they tend to focus in one of a variety of areas including diagnosis & treatment of pests, disease and fungus, proper nutrition (fertilizer/soil condition) in trees, climbing & pruning, cabling, and lightning protection and more. There is overlap between each of the specialties and many arborists are experienced in multiple areas of tree work,

Besides making the right recommendations for the long term health of your trees, a Certified Arborist may be required if there's a dead or dying tree that needs to be removed. Florida and some municipalities within have placed certain trees under protection and a Certified Arborists Affidavit is required to obtain the removal permit.

Check out my client's website, for more information.

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