
Friday, November 3, 2017

Industrial Piping

Tampa Pipe Pigging Alternatives

For piping system engineers and managers, no matter if your product is really product, or perhaps your “product” is actually waste, your pipes have to stay clean or they will fail you. You might experience a reduction of flow over time, or you might face a full blockage. Reduced flow when your transporting product translates to less product per second and therefore less dollars per second. The bean counters won’t like that! If your "product" is waste, then you may have a huge mess to deal with, especially if you have limited upstream storage. Reduced flow costs you more money in electricity, running your pumps harder, possibly wearing them out much more quickly than they normally would.

The cliche' is that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. In this case, a small amount of downtime for cleaning may prevent days or weeks of downtime caused by a complete system failure. Clean pipes just flow better. Professional Piping Systems, Inc will help you determine what method of pipe cleaning will work best in your system.


For some systems, a high power jet will be required to scrub your pipes. Water jets are effective on any diameter pipe when correct flow and pressure are maintained. High Power Water Jetting is effective against sediment, build-up & debris including roots, cooking or automotive grease, lime scale / hard water mineral scale, sewage and much more. Professional Piping Services Inc. can use your water supply or bring a tank if the job requires it.


If water jetting isn't the right choice, a pipe pig might be. Sometimes called a "poly pig", a pipe pig is an inline device used to scrub the walls of the pipes. Pipe pigs come in a variety of diameters from several inches, to man sized or bigger. The surface of the pig that does the actual scrubbing may vary depending on the material of the pipe and the debris that needs to be removed. A smart pig may also be used to verify the location of lost pipes and valves, where reality and blueprints don't actually match.


Professional Piping Services Inc. is headed by Roger M Cimbora Sr., General Manager. Mr Cimbora is a trusted expert when it comes to industrial pipe maintenance & flow restoration. He's been In the industry since the 1950's! His knowledge & experience are invaluable to academia and his peers.

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