
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Recursive Function to find substrings in a possibly multidimentional array

I needed this, and was happy enough with the results to share it.

This is like PHP in_array, but it searches for a substring.
for a one-dimensional array, it returns the key of the first match.
For a multi-dimensional array, it returns a csv list of keys to the first match.

function substr_in_array ($array, $term, $case=true )
//optional third argument set to false will cause case insensitive test.
// return false if the provide $array is not actually an array.
    //echo 'Not Array';
    return false;
// if $case has been set to false, make the term and each value lower case.
    foreach ( $array as $key => $value )
           if ($inner!==false){return $key.','.$inner;}
     echo 'Actually doing the text  comparison now: is '.$term.' in '.$value.'?
     // if the term is found in the value, return the $key.
        if (strpos($value, $term ) !== false )
            return $key;
    return false;

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