
Friday, September 17, 2010

Linux Notes: Move files from one directory to another

I needed to upload some backups, then move them to my /home directory. I only use Linux a little bit, not even every day (But moreso recently), so sometimes the simple things are hard.

I was doing this:
mv backup-9.16.2010_15-28-13_user.tar.gz /home/backup-9.16.2010_15-28-13_user.tar.gz

and then repeating for each file. Then I tried

mv backup-9.16.2010*.gz /home/backup-9.16.2010*.gz
and got an error that /home/backup-9.16.2010*.gz was not a directory, leading me to understand that

mv backup-9.16.2010*.gz /home

Was all I needed.

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