
Saturday, August 1, 2020

Jacaranda mimosifoila

Technically Jacaranda mimosifoila ,but more commonly just Jacaranda, wows us with its large vibrant lavender colored flowers and is one of the more popular Florida trees. Though it's been said that they start out looking somewhat odd as saplings and young trees, by the time they near 20 feet, their branches take on domed crown-like shape. They are one of the most distinctive and beautiful trees as their foliage and enormous bright purple flowers usher in Florida's springtime.
The Jacaranda is a large tree. It's best suited as a focal point in a medium sized yard or anywhere on a larger piece of land. It can reach 40 feet tall quickly. It thrives best with plenty of room and should bve placed in partial to full sun. Jacarandas are slow to flower when grown from seed and even take 5 to 7 years before flowering when grafted cuttings are used..  
Caring for Jacaranda trees:
  • You should stake your young tree for one year as they can be blown over in Florida's strong winds.
  • Because the Jacaranda has thin bark, lawn equipment like mowers and line-trimmers can damage it. Leave a mulch-bed or similar around it to allow space for mowing and trimming.
  • When planting the tree, you may choose to add peat moss, top soil or composted cow manure to fertilize the rootball.
  • READ MORE HERE: Mid Florida Tree Service
Whatever the tree care questions, Mid FloridaTree Service's knowledgeable staff and Certified Arborists, are ready to help.