
Thursday, May 30, 2019

Cleaning Hydrant Leg Piping

It is common for potable water supplies to be dual purposed to also supply fire protection system water. When this potable water system is being cleaned, there's a good chance that cleaning the hydrant legs will be the efficient, cost effective, choice.

Flow measurements at the hydrants taken before and after cleaning the rest of the system will often reflect significant gains in flow rate, sometimes as much as 300 or 400%.

Other times, if the pipes feeding the hydrants are not cleaned, they may continue showing a reduced flow capacity. For this reason, my client, Professional Piping Services, Inc., recommends cleaning the hydrant leg during the overall system cleaning.

Including Hydrant Leg and Hydrant maintenance in the service allows old, sometimes literally antique hydrants to be identified and replaced. This can often be done with one cut and one coupling! Getting rid of these old plugs means you'll spend less time trying to fit outdated bolts, gaskets,  valves and what-not that are not readily available. You might even take the opportunity to move a hydrant if you've been looking for a chance!

Including Hydrant Leg Pipe Cleaning in the project allows you to maximize the return for the investment in time, efforts and funding.

Industrial Reverse Osmosis System Cleaning

Industrial Reverse Osmosis systems (RO Systems) range in size from a gallon a minute  to 500 gallons per minute. (That's 720,000 gallons every day!) These system can remove up to 99.5% of dissolved salts & nearly all colloidal and suspended material from feed water including municipal, brackish, and even seawater applications. RO units supply high quality water yield at a low cost compared to other purification systems.

Industrial Reverse Osmosis systems are often custom designed specifically for the water treatment needs of a specific application, by an experienced team of system, mechanical and chemical engineers. These systems are built with high quality components that will provide reliable long-term operation.

When you put the time, effort and financial resources into a RO system, you want to ensure the feed water is coming to you through clean pipes! The delicate and sensitive nature of the RO process requires the incoming flow to be virtually free of sand and other particulate matter. Hence all of the filters, screening and such that are a key part of the process.

When might you consider a cleaning a reverse osmosis system's supply pipes?

  1. Before it ever starts! Prudently and pragmatically cleaning the system prior to going into service ensures the best possible outcome.
  2. Filters and screening in the system show signs (clogging) that the supply pipes are dirty.
  3. You find that, although the system went through extended post construction flushing, the incoming water is still not properly suited for the system to perform its designated purpose.

For more information about cleaning the supply piping for your Reverse Osmosis System, please contact Professional Piping Services, Inc. 800-780-6098 Certified Underground Utility Contractor License Number CU-C055717

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Seffner Florida Tree Trimming

With only around 8k residents as of the last census, Seffner Florida is a fairly small town and covers less than 4 square miles of land.

This small area has a huge history that includes being a Rail hub as well as a safe get-away when Tampa was struck with Yellow Fever just after the Civil War.

Seffner still feels mostly rural as it continues to grow as a bedroom community for Tampa and Brandon. Some of that growth has come by way of housing developments with their HOAs.

Owning a home in Seffner means you have a fair amount of trees surrounding you and likely have some on your property that will need maintenance from time to time including pruning and trimming, fertilizing and emergency cutting of trees downed by thunderstorms, tropical storms or hurricanes. 

Seffner Florida Tree Trimming

When I write about tree care on this blog, it is because I want to help you get in touch with my client, Mid Florida Tree Service, whose staff includes Certified Arborists and are familiar with Hillsborough County Tree Protection rules and how to obtain a Certified Arborists Affidavit when needed. They also have experience working with HOAs to help land owners abide by the HOA's rules.

For Tree Service in Seffner, Florida, Please call Mid Florida Tree Service at 813-986-2258

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Should I get the Spanish Moss removed from my tree?

It's been a couple of years since this was covered here, so I'm going to talk about this again. Spanish Moss isn't moss and it isn't Spanish. It's a native bromeliad (Tillandsia usneoide). It got its common name from the French who called it  Barbe Espagnol, or “Spanish Beard.” The Spanish called it Pelo Francais or "French Hair".

"Spanish Beard" and then "Spanish Moss" is what stuck. There's a very similar bromeliad native to Florida that might be mistaken for a young Spanish Moss. That's Ball Moss.

Both species are epiphytes, meaning they get their nutrients from the air. The grow shallow roots to anchor into the bark of a tree, but do not take any nutrients from the host.

The shade of a healthy tree's canopy will limit the photosynthesis available to these epiphytes, preventing them from overtaking the tree.

The effort to remove Spanish Moss from a tree can actually damage the tree, so it shouldn't be done merely for aesthetics. A weakened tree may benefit from having a portion of the moss hand-picked until it recovers its strength.

It is possible to use a spray to kill the Spanish moss, but this treatment is rather costly, takes a long time, and leaves the dead moss to fall out all over your yard over an extended period.

This blogger and his Tree Service Professional client suggest that landowners learn to love this native plant. If there is a tree that actually needs to have some moss removed, or you're not sure if it's the right route, please call Mid Florida Tree Service: 813-986-2258